On Repeat : Kungs & Cookin' On 3 Burners - This Girl / by Johnny Michael

A series of things that usually happen to me while listening to Kungs & Cookin' On 3 Burners - This Girl on repeat.


  1. Rhythmic nodding of approval. Passionate narrowing of eyeball lids.  

  2. A smooth shifting of head from side to side.

  3. Yelping out “Woo!”

  4. Bendy, funky legs. Wacky arm pumps that sync with the trumpet beats.

  5. Murmuring the phrase, "a 'lil time and some tenderness."

  6. More “Woo-ing!”

  7. Pretending to play the trumpet. And pumping my pelvis like I’m humping an invisible trumpet.

  8. Dreaming about swirling my arms in circles on a Malibu beach. But then the idea loses air as I think of a man following me with professional recording equipment, and several people looking at us like we should both get a real fucking job.

  9. Joyous jumping up and down. Feeling hype.
  10. Wondering if my apartment neighbors think I’ve lost my mind.
