Reflecting On A Letter From Pete Doctor of Pixar / by Johnny Michael

In the fall of 2009, I had written a handful of letters to some people at Pixar: Pete Doctor, John Lasseter, and if I can remember correctly Ed Catmull and Andrew Stanton too. To my surprise, Pete actually wrote back. He didn’t make my dreams come true and give me exactly what I wanted (a job at Pixar!), but I did receive a really awesome, handwritten, and thoughtful response. Reading this letter for the first time felt incredible — almost like it was glowing in my hands. The Pixar letterhead, the sketches on the back — it felt surreal.

In the years since this letter has served as a really lovely piece of personal inspiration. Bolstering my optimism and keeping my eyes wide at the possibilities of my career. A director at the time, Pete has gone on to win Academy Awards, direct more and more awesome Pixar films and of course, become the head creative honcho of the studio. He seems like such a smart and nice guy, and I’d still love to meet him. (Hi Pete!) It’s made me realize at a young age there are just people working for these places — they’re not superhuman creative wizards, they’re actually really nice human beings. They’re disciplined, hardworking people who are dedicated to their craft.

I wanted to drop the letter here before a flood in my parent’s basement destroys it and I have no record of it. Lastly, I figure it could be an inspiring piece for any young writer, as it still sparks a stream of motivation and a fountain of possibilities within me. As Pete writes, the key is to start writing, keep writing, and most importantly — whatever your creative endeavor, find joy in what you do. That’s what’s Up! To infinity and beyond!

Letter From Pete Doctor_Johnny Michael_Page_1_Image_0001.jpg

Below is, ugh, my letter to Pete. It’s embarrassing for me to read, I don’t know why but I cringe a little at my own typed-up words from the past. I was begging! What a little pathetic beggar! Maybe this is me doing that thing where I like to beat myself up before other people do — I like to be the first one to throw the punch at myself. It makes me feel better I guess. But look, I started out the letter by saying. “Here’s the deal… I’m young and talented…” ugh really? I self-proclaimed that I’m talented? Really? I also wrote “Believe in me” in italics begging another human being to believe in an immature and weekend binge drinking 21-year-old kid. I’m surprised he wrote back, but forever thankful he did.. :)

The good news is that I’ve actually become a writer, I’m a copywriter! I get paid to write stuff and there’s some joy in that here and there, yet I feel there’s room to grow and more to learn and more to make. At 33, I’m still a fan and a student of Pixar storytelling. Practicing drawing, writing, and learning what I can about their process — I haven’t given up on that dream and for whatever it’s worth — I believe in me. Whether I make it inside Pixar or not, I have found that creativity, comedy and steady practice at it is a path full of joy.