5 Things I Love About My Job At Razorfish / by Johnny Michael

Do you need a job? Are you interested in coming to work for Razorfish? Well here are some shameless corporate bits of propaganda to persuade you to join Razorfish — plus in my humble opinion, it’s really a great place to work, here’s why:

  1. The Peeps

    At Razorfish, I’m lucky to work with good people. I’m also thankful to be managed by people within the company who are great leaders and teachers — people with work ethics and traits I hope to absorb and be more like when I’m responsible for guiding others’ careers. It’s super inspiring to work with people who are role models for your future self. Sure, I’ve bumped heads with a few people, it’s a big place, it happens. But ultimately I feel safe at my job and thanks to the good folks it’s been one of the best career experiences of my life.

  2. The Jeeps

    Most recently (and currently as of writing this) I work on Jeep.com. It’s a fun, freeing, and energizing brand that produces vehicles I truly appreciate. Getting to work on a big global brand like Jeep is a joy and makes it super easy for me to answer the, “What do you do?” question. I just say I work on Jeep.com and I can move on to more interesting conversational topics about life — like trains, space, or ice cream.

  3. Work Anywhere

    Yes. We’re remote. And there’s even a new initiative to help employees work anywhere in the world for six weeks a year. The remote work thing seems to be sealed in the future. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with all the Publicis office spaces. If you asked me for an idea, I would turn them into creative content and filmmaking studios. There’s just way too much unused space and chairs and desks. I think we’ll still want a space with spots to work in case that’s what people choose to do, but we could convert them into creative production spaces.

  4. The Pace

    The culture feels good here. Work-life balance is inspired from the top down. I’m not too stressed. Well-being is well emphasized and well important. Your working boundaries are there if you’re disciplined to set them for yourself. It gets crazy here and there, but it’s always manageable. I rarely feel overworked and I have plenty of free time to work on extracurricular creative activities and flexible time during the day to make my soul right. In the US, we also get unlimited days off, so there’s that, which is nice if you actually use them!

  5. Marcel
    When you work within a Publicis Agency, all of the agencies and 80,000 people worldwide are interconnected through an internal platform called Marcel. If makes you feel like you’re part of something big. There are opportunities to apply for gigs across agencies, pitch in on big ideas, learn and upskill through a sea of courses and ways to connect with other colleagues. It’s a new and growing platform that has personally helped me find work in the Publicis network and connect with new friends. With the training sessions and Cafe Marcel - a sort of matchmaking mixer for people with similar interests, I’ve met friends throughout the country and across the globe I would have otherwise never met.

If you have questions about careers and working life at Razorfish, please reach out. Happy to give referrals for people who have got the right stuff and are looking for the right opportunity. See the open jobs at Razorfish here.