St. Facetious / by Johnny Michael

Fill your soul with funny at St. Facetious

I have an idea. I’d like to create a comedy mecca in the metaverse called St. Facetious. The venue would be designed like a giant cathedral. Picture The Vatican, but a digital holy land dedicated to comedic entertainment. Here at St. Facetious, it will be the divine expression of laughter that will be the main source of attraction. Within it, we’d host a range of live events and comedic content.

With the Metaverse the potential to host events with people from all over the world, attending from anywhere they are is undeniably exciting. 

There could be Stand up events, Open Mic Nights for up-and-coming talent, Film screenings for comedic storytellers, and short-form content in various other content chapels curated and ready to be discovered.

Comedians at St. Facetious would perform to crowds of digital fans from across the world as their avatars. Eventually, some events could even feature improv performances and real-time performance collaboration across the web.

Some experiences could be free. While others would require tickets or perhaps unique wearables or collector items to get in. Maybe it’s a digital coconut or a pineapple. Fruit is fun… Whatever silly idea you might be able to think of.

Familiar tropes of religious architecture could intertwine with comedic ones. Look around on the walls to see stained glass windows of famous comedians, or a retelling of a famous movie scene. Somewhere we’d have to work in a cross hanging with the cast from Monty Python’s Life of Brian singing Always Look On The Bright Side of Life.

Perhaps there’s a joke confessional. Where you enter and confess to thinking funny thoughts.

Having live performances and headliners come to the club would be the main way to attract an audience. But beyond the main theater, the digital building would be a labyrinth, a mecca that would be filled with things to discover, stumble upon and laugh about. Eventually, it could even be a place to learn about comedy too. Just like the Second City offers courses to learn writing and other comedy skills, St. Facetious could train people and be a resource where people could meet in a digital setting to practice, share ideas and grow.

How Would We Build It

It would have to be a collaboration. With stakeholders and other people who would want to be interested in owning the land, business and facility. These individuals and stakeholders would have a range of different interests. Some might want to perform, some might want to attend and be entertained, some might want to be part of something cool and share in the ownership rewards and status.

I’d like to do a more formal exercise of actually calculating the costs and capital needed for taking on a project. All the boring, but necessary details. Like how do we structure and pay talent? How much does it cost to buy the land and develop the experiences? All of these things seem to be possible and much more feasible than actually trying to own a giant cathedral in real life and transforming it into a comedy club. Both would be ideal, but perhaps we could first acquire the funds and means to do so through a metaverse project. Plus, launching through the metaverse gives us an opportunity to reach a global audience, using our imagination and creativity like never before in human history.

Steps to Making: 

  • Buy some property in Decentraland (My gut says Decentraland… but it could really be in any Metaverse District or land)

  • Work with a 3d Creator to build it (Erect St. Facetious and get it up in the Metaverse)

  • Create content people want to watch and tell funny stories (Starting now)

  • Host events people want to come to and give them unforgettable, perspective-shifting ideas and experiences. (Work with talent and world-class comedic individuals to create and produce experiences in St. Facetious)

Who Am I Looking For?

I’m looking to work with people who are interested in building this. Comedians who are interested in performing and creating content that will live there. And people that know how to build and manage digital experiences.

While I’m currently in the process of building a YouTube channel with friends focused on comedy. I figure this sort of thing is just around the corner. In fact, it’s not much different and both projects will go hand in hand. Youtube is a place where you’re given a free channel. A free place to put up things and earn money through advertisements. Here (the Metaverse) is a place where you can pay to put up work you create. But now you also own it, and you can sell tickets, merch, and other things in the digital land around that experience you create and own.

Who’s with me?