Creative Inspiration: The Beatles Get Back / by Johnny Michael

It’s too good. It’s just… It’s all too much. (yes, that’s a name of a song by The Beatles)

It’s beautiful. It captures their brotherhood, their creative raw talent, their insecurities, their ambitions, their love for music, and the magic they were able to produce for billions of people for years to come. You see the raw bits and pieces as they shape ideas into hit songs the world has come to know and love.

It feels like you’ve got the opportunity to spend a few weeks hanging out with The Beatles. Getting to know them and watching them create.

Get Back is one of the greatest treasures of film I’ve seen. Watching it is an experience. You step away from it and you feel like you know them in a way. John Lennon is so damn silly, Paul is wonderfully talented, and Ringo is so kind-hearted and goofy. George is intriguing, layered with a bit of darkness, self-doubt, and depth.

As fan of The Beatles or anyone trying to create just about anything in any field of creative work… You gotta watch it and take it in.

You can find it here on Disney+

And here’s some nice little numbers from the jolly lads….