My POV's On GMO's / by Johnny Michael

  • Non-GMO labeling is a bunch of confusing marketing nonsense. Come along now, Alice! I’m going to bring you down a rabbit hole of links and wondrous information I’ve found along my journey of research on the internet.

  • If you want to eat healthy, avoid shit food, eat more fruits and vegetables regardless of how it’s produced. Organic food is neither healthier or riskier to eat when compared to food that’s GMO. Go on, see for yourself. Read a 600 page literature from the National Academy of Scientists.

  • Large agriscience companies are made up of smart people and scientists, most of whom want to do something good for the world. They’re not corporate monsters. Watch Bill Nye Saves the world on Netflix, where he invites the Monsanto dude on to discuss. (Season 1 Episode: More Food, Less Hype)

  • Don’t discredit science and absorb information from mommy-bloggers who sell products on their website. Organic food is a big industry with a marketing agenda. Scientists and people like Neil deGrasse Tyson are probably a better source. Watch Food Evolution

  • Gene Editing, or Genetic Engineering is an amazing groundbreaking, world changing technique to precisely edit DNA structures. It’s changing the world as I type this. Watch This Short Animated Video

  • There’s a debate about who gets a patent for the technology known as CRISPR. But I feel like Jennifer Doudna deserves it. Her name ends in DNA.

  • What does genetic engineering do in agriculture? It solves major problems for farmers, eliminating crop diseases, fending off pests, and can even improve nutritional value. Check out this Golden Rice or this Purple Tomato with antioxidants.

  • Pesticides and insecticides that are regulated and used responsibly aren’t harmful to consumers. They kill bugs or weeds. Just like how chocolate hurts dogs, and has no harmful effects to you. (Unless you’re allergic to chocolate, and I’m very sorry to hear that.) Watch This Other Animated Video.

  • Genetic Engineering is a magical technology and it’s human nature to be suspicious and skeptical of it. It has incredible potential for great things. But we have to give small farmers access to it and be responsible about the technology. Which they’re doing. Read what Seth Godin says about Magical Technologies.

  • Farmland is scarce. And right now we produce too much food for animals. Let’s consume less animals and start using more of that land to grow food for humans. This won’t change unless the demand for meat shifts. That’s why Bill Gates and Richard Branson are all about meatless meats.

  • If you have questions about this shit or don’t understand, do some research and ask the right questions and the right people. You can find truths at GMO answers.

  • GMO’s are a silly term, because technically everything has been genetically modified. Since the dawn of farming, farmers have been breeding plants to get more more desirable traits. Corn that’s bigger, tastier… the difference is gene editing is done with precision. Targeting specific traits in the DNA structure and making a change. Watch Well Fed, a documentary by some cool Dutch dudes.

  • The world needs more food, because it has a growing number of people. So we need to grow more food. Whether it’s organic or it’s genes have been edited. We just need more food. Lots of food! For lots of people! And we need food that stays fresh and healthy and doesn't get rotted to bits by pests... So however we do it. Let’s just do it safely, and responsibly, and effectively and in a way that puts valuable human lives at the core.

  • A plant geneticist and an organic farmer are married. Sounds like a beginning of a bad joke. But it’s true. Despite differences in farming practices, they believe in the common goal of ensuring food security for people across the globe. Watch this Ted Talk from Pamela Ronald.