Photos and Stuff from Sleeping Bear Dunes / by Johnny Michael

Sleeping Bear Dunes, it’s one of those experiences that’s really tough to not only put into words but photos as well. I’ve seen pictures before, but I never fully understood the appeal until I saw it in real life… Beach, dunes, that all sounded cool, but you really don’t understand the scale, natural beauty, and wonder until you go see it. It’s so wild and beautiful and impressive. Using words to humbly try and express it — imagine a soft sandy beach that’s as steep as a mountain, large vast, and infinite views of a lake surrounded by powerful mounds and cliffs. How did it get here? Awe at the idea that the natural chaos of the universe made this over billions of years and continues to shape and chisel away at a masterpiece.

The other miracle and shining human achievement to me is that there are bright minds that collectively decided on the grand idea that this place was rightfully so truly special that it should be a national park and remain relatively untouched for people to come see, feel and breathe in the serene power of its beauty. To be touched by the spine-tingling spell of its eye-welling wonder. The gusts of wind, the crisp cerulean sky, and the turquoise ocean of a lake…. it really does take your breath away, it’s a rush of adrenaline and a touch of spirituality, an overwhelming feeling of calm and strength — it’s pure Michigan and pure earth. My mom and I loved it. My dad couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of the sun.