Hi Highlights : New Hi Hikes series & Hi Johnny 2022 / by Johnny Michael

Hi, two new happenings to highlight here.

  1. Hi Hikes

I’ve started a new series focused on creating vertical, social media-style videos. It’s called Hi Hikes and the premise is pretty simple. I walk, wave at people, and see how the friendly vibes are feeling for that day and give it a little ranking on the Greet-o-Meter. It’s great because I have fun doing it, it makes me slightly uncomfortable, and I get in a good walk during the shoot. Creativity and exercise, now that’s a rich duo.

Here’s a short one minute cut on YouTube Shorts:

And here’s a three minute cut for TikTok :

2. Hi Johnny 2022

And the other new thing to highlight… A newly updated 2022 Hi Johnny video. Now with 6 minutes and 42 seconds of added waving! Hooray for more waves. Or no hooray, maybe you’re not into hooraying or waving. Maybe you’d like to make scrunchie frowny faces and spit on the cement. Either way, whether you hooray or say nay by spatting fluids on the sidewalk. This video just keeps getting friendlier and longer.