Book Review: On Writing by Stephen King / by Johnny Michael

A list of thoughts and little things I wrote down that felt meaningful from Stephen King’s book on writing. Chuck out my nuggets. 

Write like you mean it

Make time for your art

Put the desk in the corner

It is possible to earn money

People are going to take cracks at you. Thicken thy skin

Don’t give up. Don’t waste time

Caution with satire. Don’t hurt people

Find a partner that believes in you

Writing is magic

Don’t use the word zestful

Turn off the TV. Blow it up. Block the websites

If you have a gift, why the fuck are you wasting your time doing other things? Use the gift

Look at a skyscraper. Look at how it’s built. You can build skyscrapers out of words. Word by word. Keep laying the foundations and putting it together.

Write. One word at a time

Shut the door

Write the truth

Write from places you’ve been. But don’t curb the imagination

Be brave

Ask yourself, what is it you want to do until your fingers bleed?

For me? It’s to write. Refine thoughts. Share stories

A man must know his limitations (a blog on my limitations would be a great topic)

Make a stand for your intellectual freedom

Watch out for vans when you’re walking on the side of the road

Give the muse time and space to come out

Don’t write for the money, or the glory or to get laid. Write because it makes you happy. 

Read or Listen to Stephen King’s Book On Writing. I imagine you’ll get some zestful inspiration from it if you do.