Love Book Project | Love Beyond The Theory / by Johnny Michael

I can write, I can preach, but at the end of the day it doesn’t do squat. Same goes for you. The understanding, the foundation of love in your heart and mind, is merely the beginning of the journey.

Love or whatever word you want to use for it. It has to be a vow, a practice, a commitment of your (and my) discipline. A creed and honor that we take on for the better of humanity. 

If I continue writing words in the this blog, future book or whatever medium, it’s only filler. You’d be better off putting it away, closing the tablet, shutting the book and going out to experiment with the practice of love. While it’s important to understand and mentally prepare the path of actions toward love, strutting into the world ready to act is what matters.

It begs me to question whether writing this down is closer to cowardly than it is brave. Am I being too self-righteous? I’m hardly a perfect human, flawed and checkered with all sorts of unfavorable traits. Am I too preachy? Who needs to hear this shit anyway? Are my words falling on deaf ears and blind eyes in a blog that nobody even reads? Aside from feeding the internet information trough for the Ai beast to come gobble, pontificating about love feels like it does hardly nothing. Contributing love is what counts, but also worth mentioning that love is not a game where we count the points.

If the goal is to leave the world better than I found it, I need to find new ways to love and to do that I need to actively experiment with love as a guiding behavior. As if scientists, we all need to test and observe the results of our loving actions when we do. While the practice of it won’t be easy, I theorize that the end result will always be extraordinary. When I think about moments in life where I forgave rather than harbored hate, when I focused my awareness to learn and listen rather than ignore… the fruits of loving action have always been felt and spread mutual benefit. I imagine the examples can then ripple with an inspiring effect to others too. 

Love is a great problem solver, the ultimate conflict resolution. Put it in practice.