Love Book Project | Love is Evolving / by Johnny Michael

Alaza Love: A New Evolution

Think of your brain as software. Slowly evolving software where downloading an upgrade takes hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of years.

Just as our bodies and brains are slowly evolving, so is our ability to love. As that evolution continues, romance and biological impulses of the reproduction will be less of a driving force. Our collective ability to share, be kind, invoke peace — our sense of compassion and empathy… those behaviors - that path toward love (or whatever we choose to call it) will be more necessary in our survival as a species. 

It will take precedence over the biological need to find romantic mates. In some ways, simply passing on our genes is a selfish endeavor and we choose who we want based on desirable characteristics — while the future of love is selfless and without condition. 

Rather than living a life with the ultimate mission to find romance, why not make the purpose to show kindness and respect, and treat people with a neighborly demeanor? The effects of that make far greater positive ripples in society than a lovey-dovey romantic entanglement. Of course, you’re free to live and love as you wish, but it’s all of our responsibility to be kind and care. That responsibility helps life go on making it bearable amidst the madness.

And how’s this for a friendly reminder, next time you're scratching your loins like a horny wolf in heat… remember the world doesn’t need you to have sex and make children. The future of humanity doesn’t depend on you having sex. It depends on your ideas and actions, your example of love. 

Love is evolving.

At the rate of painfully slow. Love is a new emerging human technology. While humanity often feels like a trainwreck heading to an incinerating hell, love is this slowly evolving new innovation that’s happening inside of our human brains. Propelled by the needs of our collective survival and the desire for kindness within our hearts. 

Like all new tech, it’s difficult to have a vision for it. People will say, that’ll never work. Love has no practical use in a world that is full of pitfalls and trickery. Have you seen the news? Look at all the doom. All the senseless murder. Yet, the optimists can remember and constantly relearn… Look how the master artists of love have shown the way. Look at the true power of this love that is evolving within us. For those of us that get it, we’re just waiting for the rest of the world to adopt it, to get online and onboard, so we can all harness the potential of love for the better. 

When life feels at it most senseless, I like to think that every difficult choice we can make to be kind, optimistic and respectful inches us one more step — if humanity has any purpose, let it be to keep evolving to love. The alaza kind of love.