Love Book Project | Dear Rat Bastards / by Johnny Michael

One thing I’ve learned, Love is something I constantly need to relearn.

I forget. 

I slip.

The anger or fear overrides what I thought I knew and understood.

Someone’s smartass remark fires up my defensiveness. Some shitty idea brings about my condescending nature and abrasiveness. Someone’s snobby behavior or social snub rattles my dignity and makes my anger boil. Some behavior, belief, or personal choice makes me disgusted and repulsed. I wanna retreat and give up. One day, I’m mesmerized by the shared connection of all life and in awe at the simple fact the sky is blue. The next day, I’m surrounded on a miserable rock by too many rat bastards.

“Breathe. Let it go. You can do better.” It’s what I remind myself.

Somedays you think you have all this zen and peace figured out and then the cynicism and bitterness take over.

I’m no guru or mahatma or messiah. I’m ain’t no Joel Osteen either. I’m messy. I’m a human being with a full spectrum of emotions… 

If there are any keys to love — one of them is the friendly nudge, the reminder that we need to relearn. Over and over and over again. 

It requires a constant understanding of the basics. To our own human fault, love is not always the default. It’s a skill that constantly needs to be honed. It’s like training a new habit, an instinct that needs routine tender exercise. Our own negative energy must be processed and filtered and expressed in ways that move the world for the better.

While I wonder if it’s worthwhile to write these things down, as I imagine it’s already been said, or written, or youtube-d, or audiobook-ed or whatever comes next.

Fact is, we all need reminders. The signposts to find the right way. With the rise of Ai and the dominance of algorithms, we need even more to feed the digital beasts and zeitgeists with the light of truth and love. It’s gonna take more than one blog, one song, a single story, one work of art, or a book to do it. Whatever that new powerful tech monster is on the horizon, we need it to be a force of love. And we need us to foster that force.

It’s easy to forget. It’s easy to go dark. It’s easy to lose sight of what’s important. 

We all need to be reminded and hear the helpful refreshers. If life is a course, Love is the 101 and it helps to come back to the basics from time to time.

I stumble upon these reminders left like breadcrumbs by humanity. Sometimes they are ideas or themes wrapped in films, music lyrics or books. Other times, they’re kind people who I’m lucky to have pleasant interactions with. I learn and relearn from all the people who have expressed these ideas and bits of energy. And I’ve learned from the people who love me. (Thanks, Mom)

We have a duty to remind each other and help each other along. That’s what family is for. And we’re all one human fam, fam. Can I get a hoorah for humanity?! C’mon, anyone?!

A few reminders: 

Love has lots of meanings. Romance and universal kindness are two vastly different concepts. (I’m thinking about petitioning for a new universal word for Love.)

On a human level, Love is a practice, a compass for our behavior, and a discipline that inspires our better nature.

On a deeper level of theory, love is an energy, a force of light against the darkness that allows the existence of everything to thrive.

We need you and me to create expressions of these reminders and more. What will yours be? 

A good song that sends sensational vibes sweeping the world like “Macarena?”

A Pixar-eqsue story that shapes behavior and enlightens universal themes and perspectives?

A Ghandi-like example of non-violence and truth?

A searing source of comedy that puts the spotlight on common sense?

A friend who speaks up to the people you care about? 

No matter the scale, being a reminder of love is a small nudge for us all. Some might not understand or fully grasp the concept yet but even if they wonder why, I say why not?

Maybe love isn’t exactly how things work or get done right now. But love is definitely the way it should be. 

Love is a win-win in the long game of life and evolution. We’re all still learning how to play. Including all of those rat bastards.