Creative Challenge: Waved Away | Creating A Story with Story Xperiential w/ Pixar / by Johnny Michael

Over the past year, I worked through a story platform called Story Xperential with Pixar. It was an awesome experience — it takes you through a structured process to generate a story in the Pixar way. We started with a What if question and worked through the essential steps to generating a clear, fun, and entertaining story. They were broken down into things like character development, act structure, editing, and everything in between. With each step in the program, my story got richer and stronger. Each one was filled with valuable guidance from Pixar storyboard artists. And every other week we were treated to a live stream of inspiration from working Pixar pros — even legendary icons/ Pixar founders like Ed Catmull. It was an absolute joy and so incredibly nice of a journey, I’ve even considered taking it twice.

As someone who hasn’t had the means or accessibility to attend Cal Arts or Ringling it’s been a pathway that has opened up and allowed me to develop story skills from what I feel are the smartest and funniest and most creative people on planet earth.

Their creative process and their combination of tech and art is the gravity that has always pulled me into their work. The heart, humor, and purposeful moral alignment to create stories that shape a better world. Pixar has always created stories that inspire while also making a meaningful and positive impact. That there is the gravity that has pulled me in this direction. It’s a beacon. it’s a room I’d love to be in. And even in times when I feel hopeless and depressed they still shine and uplift.

I know that I don’t come close to the mark, I’m still working on possessing the skills I need and want, but here is something I made. it’s an expression of humor and somewhere behind it is an idea that we should say hello and connect, being saying Hi and human acknowledgment is important and kind.

It’s fun to show progress and some early sketches and development.

My “What If…” question to get things started. What If an antisocial person woke up one day to find that the entire town was saying Hi to him?! Gosh that would be a nightmare!

Some thumbnails and a board of the story outline. Thoughts in the form blue chicken skratch.

The story evovled over multiple versions. Here’s a different ending, where he sees someone he wants to talk to, but she is scared and anti social too. This bring up an interesting idea of how to two anti-social people meet? What happens for them to both give in and connect? Is it possible, how do anti-social people meet?!