Practicing Event Photography / by Johnny Michael

The fine people at Creative Glue let me come and practice my camera chops at their 2020 Valentini event. One thing is for sure — I’ve still got plenty to learn about photography… because after running around in a low light situation and snapping about 606 photos, I ended up with about 80 that I wasn’t completely embarrassed to share.

What I need to learn

I honestly feel like I failed pretty hard here. There were so many shots I feel I could have captured if I knew how to handle the camera on manual mode. But the rookie I was (still am), I pretty much clung to auto mode and the photo booth area because I knew it was a gravy spot for good white light. I struggled to get that cool colorful glow that emitted around the event. My shots were blurry, blasted out with the camera flash or in some cases I couldn’t even get the camera to trigger the photo because the light and focus was so off. Fed up with being incompetent, the next day I dove into this Skillshare course about DSLR photography and it helped me a ton. I actually know how to set aperture, shutter-speed and iso and what the hell it all means. With a new understanding, I’m pretty eager to get back out there and give it another shot. I’m quite ashamed to admit it but I’ve owned my Canon Rebel for over 6 years now and I didn’t even know how to meter the light. I was clueless. But now I get it and It’s time for me to take it to the next level.

Check out the full album here.