Book Review: The Power Of Now / by Johnny Michael

What is happening right this very moment? I’m breathing. Sitting in a relatively comfy chair, and I’m typing this. I’ve set out to reflect and recap some of the powerful feelings, ideas and spiritual wisdom that was packed into Eckhart Tolle’s The Power Of Now.

Books like these truly have the capability to change the world. If enough people could take on the practice of awareness, we’d reach an extraordinary evolution of peace for ourselves and the environment we all share.

Often I find truth and things I subconsciously know difficult to express, but Tolle uses words so precise and harnesses the power of language to point our minds to what we already know within. He finds a way to express often what words cannot.

It’s most likely difficult because of the noise in our heads. Our thoughts are the noise. The thoughts we constantly have yet rarely sit back to observe. This is key in becoming aware. Noticing how we are separate from our thoughts, and resting, or finding stillness, in the space in between them and allowing us to recognize there’s a deeper being within us that sees and exists. 

Our thoughts, that noise, all the years of it throughout our lifetime has also created an identity and a narrative of who we think we are and who we want to be. This constructed sense of self is what Tolle refers to as the ego. It’s something we all have but we can learn to live a more purposeful life when we become aware of it and not let it get in the way of our already whole and complete inner being. Which is exactly what we have, here and now, in this moment. The ego also creates the idea of I, myself, or us, or people like I, and a mental position that we are separate from them or other people. This creates divides in humanity and furthermore all life forms. It blinds us from the universal connection we all share. In many ways from our hometowns, our races, our preference of style or which brand of computer we use. And even beyond the human to human identifications, there’s a disconnection to nature. Sure, we wear clothes and use cell phones, and we even designed them, but we are still mammalian creatures, and beings of the shared universe. Friendly cosmic reminder, we’re all descendants of stardust.

Living ruled by the ego, or constructed sense of self, can drive us to many paths of suffering. It can cause us to crave attention, it can silently judge, it can create fear, insecurity and cause hostile reactions and violence. It’s what drives all the madness. It’s a form of insanity that exists within all of us to a certain degree. So what I’m saying is, you are insane, but the good news is that you can become completely aware of it. 

Sound a little lofty and crazy? There is nothing untrue about it, it’s something you already know, but if you still hit mental hurdles, The Power Of Now will help it all sink in and make sense. Plus you’ll come to learn the advantage of living in the moment or realizing the power of now, which enables us to be free of what defines us in the past or our wantings for the future. 

Why I find Tolle to be genuine and important to share is because instead of acting from an egoic craving to gain attention and say look at me, read my books. It is work that says, “look beyond me, gain clarity to the teachings of those before me, look to the truth and realize what you already know.” He’s urging humanity to do it for the benefit of your own well-being and for all. It’s a selfless act of teaching driven by a purpose to spread the light within others.

So how do we bring light to others? That sure sounds nice in theory. But how do you go about telling the whole crazy world they are insane and they need to be aware of it so we can evolve past all this madness? It seems futile and useless and like you’re just begging for a world-wide ass-whoopin’. I know for certain it’s not easy. I can think of examples too recently in my past where I was just not bright enough in the moment, I let the flame of consciousness burn out, the gust of the ego made me unconsciously react, I stooped to it’s level and fought back, defending my identity, my status or my ambitions as if it were my life. I certainly have casted judgement. My mind has clawed in ruts of unhealthy patterns, focusing on things that I felt have been done to me or ways I’ve been treated unfairly or abandoned or times I’ve been too stubborn to give in… Seeking attention, seeking revenge, seeking so much unnecessary stuff… Catching myself having angry conversations in the mirror. Muttering like an urban madman in the confines of my own apartment. It’s true. Almost laughable and so weird to admit it. But it happens.

But I’ve learned it’s also important to not beat yourself up. You have now, this moment, the only moment you ever have power to change, that’s all that matters. So you can be here and find peace. It’s always now and it’s a simple choice. So don’t look back in anger. That’s what I heard Noel Gallagher from Oasis say. 

Anyways… part of me also discovers that I’m entertained by my ego. My ego makes me laugh. My mind can be a real thrill and I’m sure yours can be too. I find it particularly tough to resist grabbing onto shiny balloons of thought and getting carried away. Because it’s good fun daydreaming about the future or cruising down memory lane, and time flies, it’s like experiencing time dilation right in my own mind. But without an intention, it’s also time wasted. It’s a lack of discipline and focus. The ego can also help shape my professional career, but most importantly I can’t let it define me. Success I achieve or failure I face in that game, doesn’t make me any more or less valuable than any other life form in the universe. Material gratification and even relationships will not bring about the type of peace and strength this book is talking about. What it will tell you is that you’re already complete.

While I am lightyears from enlightened. The Power Of Now gives me inspiration to keep working on growing my mental presence, letting go of negativity, dancing lightly with my ego and finding ways to shine the light inside to others around me. No matter how big, dark or close the egoic forces are nearby, there’s a way to stay bright. If you haven’t given it a read, I suggest you do, And maybe, why not? Set your intention and start Now.